How to Secure Your Building Energy Efficiency This Winter With Thermal Imaging

Energy efficiency is paramount for commercial and industrial buildings during winter, and building managers should plan to assess their buildings to discover how to improve them. With increased energy efficiency comes significant cost reductions and a minimal environmental impact while improving occupant comfort.

At Thermascan, we introduce thermal imaging as a powerful tool for identifying leaks and gaps that cause inefficiencies. Our skilled technicians can uncover hidden thermal envelope issues by detecting temperature differences. Read more about why early fault detection is crucial to optimise energy savings and prevent unnecessary expenses this winter.

The Impact of Thermal Envelope Breaches on Your Energy Expenses

The thermal envelope refers to the external structure of a building, including walls, windows, roofs, and doors. It refers to the invisible air barrier between the interior and exterior environments, regulating the transfer of heat and maintaining comfortable indoor conditions.

Leaks and gaps in the thermal envelope can have a detrimental impact on both energy efficiency and building performance. Here's why:

Energy Loss: Leaks and gaps in the thermal envelope allow warm air to escape during colder months. This constant air exchange disrupts the building's temperature control system, increasing energy consumption and utility bills.

Reduced Comfort: When the thermal envelope is compromised, it affects energy efficiency and leads to discomfort for occupants. Cold drafts, uneven temperatures, and increased humidity can all create an unpleasant indoor environment.

Increased Wear and Tear: Leaks and gaps strain heating and cooling systems as they struggle to compensate for the energy loss. This increased workload leads to premature wear and tear on your building's HVAC, resulting in costly repairs or equipment replacements. Thermographic surveys also identify HVAC issues separate from the building, such as inefficient operation.

Structural Damage: Moisture intrusion caused by leaks in the thermal envelope creates a breeding ground for mould and rot. Over time, this weakens the building's structural integrity and requires extensive remediation efforts in the summer months.

Addressing and rectifying leaks and gaps within the thermal envelope is essential to maintaining optimal energy efficiency, preventing discomfort, and safeguarding the longevity of the building all year round.

Where Is My Building Vulnerable to Energy Loss?

When assessing your building in the lead-up to winter, building managers need to know how crucial it is to address leaks and gaps and where you are most vulnerable to them. These seemingly minor problems will result in major financial consequences.

Leaks and gaps result from heat loss, inefficient heating, and increased energy consumption. These issues often lurk in areas such as:

·         Windows and Doors

·         Roofs

·         Electrical penetrations

·         HVAC ducts.

It's easy for them to go unnoticed, yet their impact on energy efficiency is significant. That's why tackling them head-on with proactive measures such as a thermal imaging survey is essential.

Why Buildings Benefit from Thermal Imaging Surveys

Thermal imaging is a scientific process involving thermal cameras to detect infrared radiation produced by an object. These cameras identify temperature differences on a surface, which can indicate energy inefficiencies or faults within a building's infrastructure.

These readings are used to reduce your business's cost of living by creating an accurate map of the energy loss areas in a building and to help prioritise energy-saving measures. For example, thermal surveys are particularly useful for assessing building insulation and detecting heat loss, enabling you to optimise energy efficiency and reduce utility costs. By pinpointing areas of inadequate insulation, such as gaps, leaks, or degraded insulation materials, a thermal imaging survey provides actionable information to rectify these issues promptly, preventing wasted energy and enhancing the comfort of occupants.

These excellent tools provide a wealth of thermal information for your building for you to take action on. With the team’s expertise in thermographic building surveys, we conduct comprehensive surveys to determine the most effective energy-saving measures that should be taken in a building.

Tips for Reducing Energy Expenditure in Buildings

Once you’ve identified the areas where your building's thermal envelope is lacking, many general solutions will immediately improve your energy expenses regardless of your business's sector or focus. Here are some general tips to follow:

1.  Sealing Leaks and Gaps:

·         Conduct a thorough audit to identify areas of air leakage and drafts.

·         Use weatherstripping to seal gaps around doors and windows.

·         Apply caulking or sealant to seal cracks and gaps in walls and floors.

·         Install door sweeps to prevent air infiltration at the bottom of doors.

2.  Insulation Options:

·         Industrial Facilities: Consider insulation options for pipes, tanks, and equipment to minimise heat loss.

·         Retail Stores: Insulate walls, windows, and roofs to improve temperature regulation and reduce heating/cooling costs.

·         Landlord Properties: Evaluate and upgrade insulation in attics, basements, and between walls to enhance energy efficiency.

3.  Lighting Efficiency:

·         Install energy-efficient LED lighting systems.

·         Utilise motion sensors or timers to control lighting usage in less frequently occupied areas.

·         Regularly clean fixtures and replace faulty bulbs to maintain optimal performance.

4.  HVAC Efficiency:

·         Ensure regular maintenance and cleaning of HVAC systems to maximise efficiency.

·         Implement programmable thermostats to adjust temperature settings based on occupancy and scheduling.

·         Install zoning systems to regulate heating and cooling in different areas of the building.

By implementing these solutions, building managers will significantly reduce energy expenses during winter and even make their buildings more environmentally friendly.

Winter-Proofing Thermal Imaging Surveys from Thermascan

Embrace energy efficiency early and prepare your building for winter with our thermal imaging camera surveys across the UK. Located in Bedford, England, we serve clients across various industries nationwide and have ensured thousands of businesses save heating expenses this winter.

Our popular thermographic surveys are conducted by our team of level II certified field engineers, who are experts in conducting on-site inspections to identify and address thermal issues. Whether you need a one-off survey or part of a regular HVAC or machine maintenance program, you should contact us, and our expert team will help you reduce your energy bills this winter.