Can Thermal Cameras Hunt Ghosts This Halloween?

We all have stories of ghost encounters, moments in the middle of the night where we’d swear there was a spirit in the room, but how do we know if they are really there?

For decades, ghost-hunting groups have worked on recording proof of paranormal activity, and modern technology is helping with this significantly. Thermal cameras are used by many groups searching for ghosts. The technology lets users see the things invisible to the eye and discover more about our world.

As the spookiest night of the year approaches, more and more people think about restless souls haunting old buildings. The range of Teledyne FLIR thermal imaging cameras we supply are effective for thermal imaging surveys and have often been used during Halloween for ghost hunting.

Whilst the FLIR range of cameras reveal a lot that is hidden, it is a point of debate between believers and non-believers about whether they can see ghosts.

TV Ghost Hunters Use FLIR ONE

The effectiveness of FLIR cameras for visualising the invisible has led to an increased interest in the ghost-hunting community. Channel 5’s, The Gadget Show did a special that had two competing teams of ghost hunters reviewing various technologies.

These modules can provide users with a wealth of information about their surroundings as they use a combination of thermal and visual cameras to read IR information. However, to get the most about these units, they need to be connected to a smartphone device with the associated app installed (FLIR ONE).

The mobility of these pocket devices has made thermal imaging an affordable reality for many new ghost hunters, but that’s not all they reveal. This convenient plug-and-play choice for mobile can reveal hard-to-see factors in your buildings or machinery.

Not all thermal energy is related to the paranormal. For example, industrial machinery will show excessive heat in specific areas if parts are not lubricated. These areas can become worn down or damaged over time; without maintenance, these issues will lead to an expensive shutdown for repair. Regular thermal imaging surveys will reveal these problems early and be fixed much more quicker and cheaper.

Signs of Paranormal Activity

Presenting evidence of ghosts is the hardest part of any paranormal detective’s work. Many potential paranormal sightings are attributed to power cuts, creaky buildings, and other random events.

Despite the time of year, not all unusual events can be blamed on restless spirits, which has just made the challenge of finding proof harder for ghost hunters. Knowing how thermal cameras work will help your search considerably.

Residual Heat

Spooky images are often captured of people who are not seemingly there. Fuzzy, faded images of individuals are commonly associated with ghosts, but this might not always be the case.

Thermal imaging cameras are adept at reading IR (infrared) light, an invisible form of electromagnetic radiation. This is what makes these cameras excellent for non-invasive thermographic surveys that can visually show you the way heat escapes your building.

This radiation is thermal-based because it is induced by heat. As we all know, objects will retain a certain amount of heat collected, and (depending on the environment) it will dissipate over time. Some ghost sightings are the after images of where people were and have left some thermal heat behind that hasn’t cooled yet.

Therefore the most accurate insulation assessments are conducted in autumn and winter. During summer, the heat from the sun can create incorrect readings as the stonework of the building will retain the day’s heat for a while. During the cooler months, it’s much easier to see where your insulation is ineffective as the heat will freely escape, revealing itself on the thermal image.

So, unfortunately, those ghostly footsteps through a tiled hall might simply be the leftover heat from someone walking on it barefoot.

Unusual Cold Spots

A feeling of cold dread is a familiar feeling when encountering paranormal activity. Ghost hunters use thermal cameras to try and locate these areas of unusual cold and attempt to catch footage of ghosts.

Depending on the thermal palette you are using, the images generated during thermal surveys will have dark spots that stand out from the rest dramatically. It looks sinister and paranormal with a monochrome palette, but it might be something scarier, damp!

Leaking pipes and water damage are all elements in a building that can create cold patches on your floor or roof. Electrical faults can be revealed in the same way. Working electrical systems will give off substantial heat that can be observed remotely through a thermal camera. When these systems fail, they stand out dramatically as they suddenly appear much cooler than they usually do.

Professional Thermal Imaging Cameras

The most effective ghost hunting is usually in dark, spooky environments where the spirits are most likely to appear. Unfortunately, this darkness makes seeing anything strenuous, but fortunately, thermal cameras solve this by providing a clear view in the dark.

Thermascan provides top-of-the-line thermal imaging cameras for hire or sale nationwide. Whether you are hunting for ghosts or searching for that electrical fault, we have the perfect range of cameras to suit your needs. So, remember, whether you are searching for ghosts or damp, you’ll find our thermal cameras highly useful.